Saturday, November 7, 2009

happy birthday babe !


i dedicate this post specially for you my dear.
happy sweet 15th!
you're no longer a small girl now. you've
grown up. but still you always act like small

no worries. no matter what. nothing can change
my love for you. although it sound abit lesbo
but i really mean it. I'll take good care of you til the day
you able to take care of your self which is i think
after you secondary life!

you'll always be my one and only sister! thanks
for attending the birthday party at TGI. i know
if me, myself were there. it'll make things easier.
and i dont think you will cry. thanks for understanding
though. was sick. promise to make it up to you.

which is celebrate with you other time!

p.s : will always love you!

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